Thursday, February 21, 2013

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens

                                  Habit 7

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

3.) Heart: always do what is right so your heart, your conscience, will feel peaceful. When you do wrong, your conscience will prick you create regretful sensations within your heart. When you do what you honestly feel, you won’t have any regrets. Your heart is your internal compass-it gives you direction and discernment. Just like a magnetic compass gives directions, even true north, your personal compass, your heart, will point you in the true north, the exact directions and paths you need to tread.

4.) Soul: Study scriptures and other sacred literature daily. In other words, feed your spirit because your spirit needs spiritual food just like your physical body needs temporal food to survive. Pondering, meditating, and reflecting are excellent Soul-sharpening activities. Try writing your thoughts, feelings, aspirations, concerns, and decisions in a dairy or journal. Writing helps you focus and make good decisions.

Get into the habit of daily improving your body (physical fitness), your mind, your heart, and your soul.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“Alone we can do so little; together

we can do so much.”

-Helen Keller


What I think about this quote of Helen Keller is that if we do our work alone we are going to be fooling around and we aren’t going to be able to do our work and if we do it with other people we are going to be able to do it because the other person wants to get a good grade and will be telling you to do it and hurry up. Like they say two brains work better than one brain. Choose the right and work together to accomplish your things that you have to do.

-Edwin G.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

“So often, in our quest to be more popular and to be part of the “in-group,” we lose sight of things that are far more important.”

-Sean Covey

Reflection: I think this quote is trying to say that don’t let bad influences control you cause you have lots of important things to do besides that.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens Habit 5

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens

Habit 5

5. Seek First to Understand, and then to be Understood

Because most people don’t listen very well, one of the great frustrations in life is that many don’t feel understood? This habit will ensure your teen learns the most important communication skill there is: active listening.

Why is this habit the key to communication? It’s because the deepest need of the human heart is to be understood. Everyone wants to respected and valued for who they re—a unique, one-of-a-kind, never-to-be-cloned individual. People won’t expose their soft middles unless they feel genuine love and understanding. Once they feel it, however, they will tell you more than you may want to hear. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Listen with your eyes, heart, and ears. 7 percent of communication is contained in the words we use. The rest comes from body language (53 percent) and how we say words, or the tone and feeling reflected in our voice (40 percent).

Most people are eager to talk and had rather talk than listen. We have one month and two ears. This means we should listen twice as much as we talk. Learn to listen and listen to learn.

Listen, really listen, for understanding.

Seek first to understand then to be understood—LISTEN.


10 tips for student success

10 tips for student success

1. Attend your classes remember in the words of Woody Allen’s seventy percent of success in life is showing up
2. Know your faculty. Make sure you know who your teachers are, when their  
3. Make sure the faculty knows you. Sit in the front of the classroom. Participate in class discussions. Consult with your teachers during office hours.
4. Use a daily planner. Note the dates of exams, assignments term papers
5. S
6. Know you campus resources. Visit your academics dean office regularly. Become familiar with the services and programs offered by the counseling center, the freshman center, the career center, the campus ministry office and the student life office
7. Take care of your health get enough sleep. Eat well balanced meals exercise regularly. Make informed and ,mature decisions about alcohol, sex and drugs visit the health office as needed
8. Work only as necessary. Try not the exceed 20 hours during a school week. If possible work on campus. Apply for financial aid and loans if you need them. Manage your expenses carefully.
9. Get involved in campus activities it will help you learn valuable skills expand your social network and enhance your self- confidence. Seek out opportunities to apply what you learn in this classroom.
10.Keep your eyes on the prize clarify your goals. Know why you are in college in the first place  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

       “You make your habits and your habits make you.”


Reflection : I think this statement is trying to say do make good habits and your habits make you  better person. Choose the right.